
Серікбай Бисекеевтің болашақтықтармен кездесуі


Серікбай Бисекеевтің болашақтықтармен кездесуі


The businessman shared his secrets of success and experience in conducting business, noting the importance of obtaining a quality education in the field of business. "We need to create a business that is globally competitive and is sure to become a leader in the industry. To do so, it is important to study constantly - this will help you to develop your competencies," observed the speaker.


Most of the meeting time was devoted to the "Q&A" session – the Bolashak scholars and young entrepreneurs who were present asked Serikbay Bisekeev enthusiastic questions about how to start their own business, how to manage their time and resources, what can help them to become a successful entrepreneur, and so on. In addition to communicating with the guest, participants at the event were given the opportunity to leave their CV with Coordinators from the "Bolashak" Association Career Centre, as well as to participate in the Association of Employment’s projects.


“I always have one piece of advice. Start doing business! The sooner the better. Just do it!” S. Bisekeev concluded.


The participants proposed that meetings with successful businessmen be held more frequently. "Such events are really useful for every budding entrepreneur in terms of developing their personal potential and the acquisition of new knowledge" - remarked Manas Sakenov.


Источник: Bolashak.kz

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