
Continuity of generations


Continuity of generations

Competition on business market is quite tense nowadays, but it has not stopped Serikbay Bisekeev to become the best entrepreneur of 2012 in Russia. In spite of his living in Russia he is ready to share his expertise in Kazakhstan as well. This was his goal when performing to the students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Comparing conditions and environment for business in Kazakhstan and Russia, Serikbay Bisekeev primarily highlights that working on different markets for any businessman is, first of all, exchange of information and experience. According to the entrepreneur, it is necessary to be able to adopt the best from each other and utilize experience and practices of those who have already succeeded. “Nazarbayev University often invites internationally recognized specialists to conduct lectures for the students. Just as well it is possible to invite Russian experts to share their knowledge of conducting business on Russian market”, Mr. Bisekeev believes. He advised to his audience to find their own niche and not to chase market leaders, but to follow their own dream and make ideas come to life. It is no longer relevant to invent the bicycle, but it is much more interesting and challenging to engage into its improvements. As per the businessman’s words, the main factor of success is getting rid of the fear of taking a risk and ability to stay calm overcoming it. At the same time it is extremely important to remain who you are without frittering away the energies on things extremely attractive on their surface. Modesty and calmness play to the advantage in all spheres of life, including business.

Our compatriot believes in the bright future for Kazakhstan and explains it with the fact that our country is ready to conquer world markets having such rich resources. “The main point is to believe in your powers, to have creative ideas and to start working right now without postponing till tomorrow”, the businessman thinks.

The businessman’s meeting with younger generation confirms one more time that today business is built on the enthusiasm of the youth and support from more experienced “business sharks”. By the way, the concept of mentoring is becoming more and more important in our country. On the one hand, there begins to form a team of national businessman who are ready to share their experience. On the other hand, young people, having their own opinion and viewpoints on business conduct in the modern environment, are ready to listen attentively to the advice of the elderly.

Author: Madina Mussaeva

The source is here

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