
Serikbay Bisekeev: Employees - the main components of a formula for business success


Serikbay Bisekeev: Employees - the main components of a formula for business success

The well-known businessman Serikbay Bisekeev, who was recognized as the best entrepreneur in Russia in 2012, explains in an exclusive interview what the key element is to running a business successfully.

"The secret to the success of any business lies in the ability to select real professionals," said Serikbay Bisekeev. According to him, it's not always possible to fully learn from an impressive resume all of a person's competencies. "We, for example, give people "homework", where everybody has the chance to show their creative sides. Whoever wants to do it, does, while those who don't want to, don't; it is everyone's personal choice," he says. Accordingly, those who get "excellent" marks enter the ranks of the holding's employees where they are given the opportunity to implement their proposed ideas. "Of course, there are those who believe this principle is mistaken, fearing for their unique ideas (that they might be appropriated by someone else), not realizing that our company opens the way for dreams to come true. But it's only a small percentage. Fortunately, the majority of people are intelligent and motivated," says S. Bisekeev.

He notes that people who can bring something new to a company are always in demand. This is the crucial point for a successful business. Incidentally, a prominent businessman dispelled the myth that women are less capable managers than men. According to him, women are counted among the best of his employees, some of them in management positions. "We have complete democracy: our team embraces the best, regardless of gender, colour or religion" concludes S.Bisekeev.

S.Bisekeev is renowned for having created from scratch a large multinational holding company which produces communications facilities. Today, his company has offices in New Delhi, Dubai and Singapore - where the businessman is in fact now living.

Serikbay Bisekeev has been voted best businessman in Russia, he has also won the most prestigious international award in the field of business enterprise, organized by Ernst & Young, which is called the entrepreneurial "Oscar".

Source here.

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